Four Skincare Myths Debunked
“If you have a darker skin tone, you don’t need to apply sunscreen.”
Nope, nope, and nope. Repeat after ME: Everybody needs to wear sunscreen!
Here are some basic things you should know:
There are two specific UV rays that you want to protect your skin from.
- UVB rays burn your skin and UVA rays age your skin.
- UVA rays are why we won’t stop bugging you to wear sunscreen every day, (AM Moisturizer), because they are present in rainy and cloudy weather, not just when the sun is out. It is a common misconception that UV rays are only harmful on hot sunny days, but the truth is that even on the more cloudy and chilly days when you feel like you’re not getting any sun at all, you still are!
- Most importantly, wearing SPF will help prevent skin cancer. Sun damage is one of those cases where “better safe than sorry” cannot be more true. Unfortunately, sun damage is irreversible– so it’s much better to use preventative and protective measures to help preserve your skin, which your future self will be so grateful for!
Myth busted: Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen every single day, no matter your skin tone, to protect yourself and your skin from UVA and UVB rays. We all need to remember that this is important not only for aesthetic reasons (keeping the skin looking young and vibrant for longer as we age), but also for preventing skin cancer as well. Sunscreen can be one of the healthiest and most beneficial gifts you can give to your skin.

***Plus, take a look at our Daily Anti-Aging Face Moisturizer with Sunscreen (AM Moisturizer) that provides the perfect balance of hydration and protection against the sun. When used daily in the morning, your skin will be properly hydrated and guarded against sun damage, which preserves the skin’s elasticity and overall keeps it looking young and fresh. We also love this moisturizer because it does not leave any kind of white cast, making it perfect for all ranges of skin tones.
“Apple Cider Vinegar works as a toner for clearing up acne.”
This one’s less so a myth and more so something we just want to clarify for you.
ACV has a superior exfoliating property and a very potent antibacterial property, so it can potentially help with acne when used sparingly. As mentioned in an article by Healthline, ACV can greatly reduce the amount of bacteria on the skin, making it good for combatting acne issues. However, we don’t recommend you use this daily since the overuse of antibacterial products can diminish or eliminate good bacteria that protects your skin. (NRL facial peel)
Myth busted: If you want to start using ACV on your skin, only use it once a week and always dilute it with water so that the pH is more skin-friendly. Undiluted ACV is very strong and harsh on the skin, and will most likely produce a burning sensation, which no one wants to deal with! For daily use, we would recommend finding a product that is actually meant to be a toner, which can exfoliate, balance pH, and overall just refresh the skin from built up dirt and sebum.
“Everything you apply topically is going to be absorbed.”
This tends to be the mantra of many organic skincare brands pushing you to use natural products instead of chemical or synthetic, but this is actually far from the truth.
Let’s get into the nitty-gritty: there are three different layers of the skin. The first layer that we see on top of the skin is called theepidermis. The second is called thedermis (where collagen and hyaluronic acid get produced) followed by the third layer which issubcutaneous (or hypodermis).
The truth is that it’s a challenge for skincare products to even penetrate beyond the epidermis layer because while your skin barrier protects your skin from losing hydration, it also works to protect your skin from penetrative external substances. Our skin is selectively permeable, only allowing certain things to penetrate the epidermis. All of that is to say, if the epidermis is truly doing its job, which it always is– most of the skincare products that you use do not have the capacity to go beyond the outermost layer of skin.
Myth busted: It’s VERY hard for most skincare products to get past the skin barrier, which is why the delivery system of products and their ingredients is just as important, if not more important than the ingredients themselves when considering efficacy. Think about it like you're using the best dry shampoo in the world with a shower cap on. If the product can’t get through the shower cap, what’s the point?
“Your products will stop working once your skin gets used to them.”
Your skin does not build up a tolerance to products. You might think this is happening if you’re using active ingredients like: (Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and AHA) since they tend to deliver a dramatic result in a short period of time, especially to those that really need a specific active ingredient. But what’s really happening is that if you’re using these ingredients for an extended period of time, the effects just won’t seem as drastic since the major change occurs when you first start using the products. It is also true that your skincare needs may shift throughout time, which can make it seem like the ingredient that used to work wonders for you, isn’t quite working the same now.
Myth busted: You might think products with these ingredients stopped being effective but really, they’re still progressively working, it’s just not as instantaneous as it was when you first started using the product.